Crossfit advertising

  • Name

    Crossfit advertising.

    Crossfit Gym
  • Location

    Haifa, Israel
  • Targeting Audience

  • Potential Clients

    Females and Males, ages 24+, interested in Fitness, from Haifa area. 
  • Platforms

    Google and Facebook

From 5 to 100 leads per month - Crossfit advertising

My Marketing Strategy: First priority was to improve advertising on Facebook, since it was using unclear images and weak offer. The main idea was to show that Crossfit is fun and can be used by everyone, regardless of what is your goal (to lose weight or to gain muscle). Keywords research was completed for Google ads, as well as competitors' research in the area. Based on Keywords research the advertising campaign was launched. I've split the advertising campaign by Brand keywords and other keywords. 
Results: Price per lead has improved by 85%; Leads amount has improved by 95%; And conversion rate has improved by 40%

Creatives that were used for Facebook Advertising